This Term we are lucky enough to have Swimming Safety lessons at the swimming pool and we get to travel by bus. Mrs Brookes's children join with Mrs McRae's and Mrs Misiloi's children join with Mrs Klenner's.
On Ash Wednesday the Junior School had a lovely Liturgy in the school hall marking the beginning of the Lenten Season. Father Wayne led the Liturgy and blessed the Ashes which were then distributed to each of us. Here is Junior Hub one afterwards proudly showing our ashes mark on our foreheads.
In Holy Week Junior Hub one walked the Journey with Jesus. We prayed the Stations of the Cross on Tuesday in the Basilica after the seniors shared the Washing of the feet liturgy. On Wednesday we shared the Last Supper Liturgy with the whole school and on Thursday before we went home for the Easter Break we watched the Yr 8's act out the Stations of the Cross which was amazing! We thought a lot about Jesus this week and how to be a good friend to each other.
JH1 enjoyed P.E time as they were: Learning about how to managing self and working nicely together with each other. Learning to -catch a small ball effectively -catch a ball at different height. They were having a great time and were having FUN!
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