Pre-School Visits

Pre-School Visits Structure

You and your child will receive a Welcoming letter with specific dates to visit our Junior Hub 1. You will  receive a stationery list but there is also one available on this Blog.
This is what we do at St Joseph’s School so that your pre starting school visits experience is a constructive and positive experience for everyone.
The Visits are cumulative and planned so that your child is the special visitor on these days.

  • Tuesday                 Learning Time  2             11.00am-12.30pm
                                                (Bring morning tea and join in at 10.30am for Fruit and Read)

  • Wednesday            Learning Time  1 & 2        9.00am-12.30pm
(Bring morning tea and also stay for lunch.)

  • Thursday               All Day                            9.00am-3pm
                                  Mass/Reading/Maths/Terrific Thursday Programme

  • Recommended

  • Bring named stationery, schoolbag, lunchbox and hat.
  • Parent/Caregiver is welcome to stay for the Tuesday session if needed but should aim to stay for just the beginning of the Wednesday and Thursday sessions.
  • Come to school earlier on Tuesday for morning tea and playtime and stay later on Tuesday and Wednesday to experience Lunch time protocols and play.


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