Stationery List 2018 Year 0-1-2

St Josephs School Stationery List 2018
Junior Hub- Year 0-1 -2

Books required:
2 x 1B8 blank Project books ( Religious Education, Topic) 64 pages
1 x 1A4 ( Emergent writing) Year 0
1 x 1A4 (Home Learning, )
2 x 1U4 (Story writing)
2 x 1LWB4 (Printing) A4 size please other sizes are too small
2 x 1H4 (Mathematics)

Stationery required: (the stationery required will be distributed when needed)
Unnamed please
2 x HB Pencils
1 X 12 set of Twistable crayons
2 x 35gm gluestick (large)
4 x whiteboard markers (Blue or Black only)
1 Reading Folder (large 30cm x 35cm) – Named

This is the Stationery List for your child.
If you purchase your child’s stationery from OfficeMax on line at: you will be able to purchase at their very low Back to School Discount prices which are available now until 29th February.

We support this scheme because it enables parents to purchase their children’s stationery at lower prices and OfficeMax will make a donation to St Joseph’s.


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